- Came across these this couple sleeping in a water runoff area in West Phoenix. Couple of beer bottles scattered about the area. Alcohol abuse seems to be a common factor with street people. It is very hot today, 105 degrees. Halsselblad 501C, Illford HP5 film, Clayton F76 developer 1:9 five minutes @ 80 degrees.. Clayton developer mixed with distilled water. Negatives rinsed with same.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hot today in August 105 degrees plus. Homeless in Arizona
Homeless in Arizona? West Phoenix, Arizona

Going west on McDowell road on the avenues and noticed a couple of men sleeping in the bushes by the side of the road. I pulled in and noticed this man (left image) sitting by a trash container. He appears to be under the influence of Bud Light. He thanked me with my cash donation for his photo and I left.
These two men were awaken by my camera shutter and mirror slap (hasselblad). They posed for these images. Alcohol is the big problem here. Homeless in Arizona? I really do not know.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Stormy is from upstate NY where he was a cook. He is 57 years old. He was born underweight at 2 lbs. He father called him Lil' Bud. His father was a woodworker and made a belt buckle out of wood for him with this named chiseled . Smoky was chosen to speak at a congressional hearing in Washington DC supporting camping rights for the homeless. Today he made $50 in handouts. He gave away $20 to a needy woman and her husband with 3 children. He believes in karma and will get this money back. He smokes bugler rollies and his favorite snack is cheese puffs. This genleman camps out under the 51 overpass. He has a canon camera packed away and wants me to look at it for him. He is friends with some of the employees of a local Phoenix camera shop, photomart.
He is not allowed in the local supermarket so he relies on peoples help for ice and water.
He is not allowed in the local supermarket so he relies on peoples help for ice and water.
concrete dreams
Kathy on the streets of Phoenix, Arizona
Kathy, a former Texas resident on the streets of Phoenix with her boyfriend pushing her belongings in a shopping cart. Traded as couple of dollars and a "steel reserve 211" beer for a couple of photos. I was driving down the street when I noticed this woman cooling herself by pouring ice water over her head.
Kathy is holding a prized possesion in her arms, her teddie bear. She was justed asked to leave the QT gas station/market by an employee when she tried to use the bathroom.
Hasselblad 501C, Carl Zeiss 80mm F2.8 lens. 400TX processed in Clayton F76 developer. Scanned with Epson V500.
Kathy is holding a prized possesion in her arms, her teddie bear. She was justed asked to leave the QT gas station/market by an employee when she tried to use the bathroom.
Hasselblad 501C, Carl Zeiss 80mm F2.8 lens. 400TX processed in Clayton F76 developer. Scanned with Epson V500.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
"Billy" Homeless in Scottsdale Arizona
Met Bllly at QT gas station in Scottsdale. Billy recycles cans. He stores his property at a local car lot where he sleeps. In trade he keeps the lot clean and does security at night. Billy says he has served prison time twice in Arizona.
This is a hasselblad shot with illford HP5 film processed in clayton F76 developer. I gave Billy some cash and he continued south down Scottsdale road.
This is a hasselblad shot with illford HP5 film processed in clayton F76 developer. I gave Billy some cash and he continued south down Scottsdale road.
Monday, August 23, 2010
"Thomas and Rocky" resting in the shade.
Met Thomas hanging out with Rocky. Thomas served time at Arizona State Penitentiary. He was invited to live and work in the Yuma, Arizona area. He is now back in Phoenix and has been here for appx one year. He is a newbe at this campsite. Thomas is a very pleasant person. Thomas drinks 12 % alcohol beer. "Not for taste, but for effect".
Rocky informs me "I am invited back at any time."
Thomas asks me if I am shooting for the New Times Magazine. Thomas also recites me a "homeless wanderer" poem. I forget the title. I hand him a new pack of bugler rollies and leave after an hour.
Rocky informs me "I am invited back at any time."
Thomas asks me if I am shooting for the New Times Magazine. Thomas also recites me a "homeless wanderer" poem. I forget the title. I hand him a new pack of bugler rollies and leave after an hour.
"Rocky" Homeless truck driver in Phoenix, Arizona
This is Rocky. Formally from southern Califiornia. Hopes to return to the beach. Spent time with Rocky and his group and learned alittle about street life. Rocky has pain in his back and controls it with alcohol. 12% alcohol beer. He says he will not take pain meds. Very nice fellow here, 58 years old. He has been on this I 10 freeway exit for appx 18 months. Good luck Rocky. Hasselblad 501C, 400 TX film. Self developed in clayton F76, 1:9 @ 80 degrees 5 mins. Love this combo.
"Scooter" Homeless in Arizona, Phoenix

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Connie & Foxie on the street Homeless in Arizona
Connie is living on the street with Foxie her dog. She lives with a group that includes her brother and handicapped boyfriend. They get by with food and money donations. They claim they get more than enough food donations and the extra goes to Foxie. Very nice people. Mamiya RZ67 with metered prism finder, 127mm lens. Kodak porta 400nc. Scanned with epson V500.
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